Playbook #008: Moonshot Edition - Collectible Cars

Moonshot: an ambitious, exploratory and ground-breaking project undertaken without any expectation of near-term profitability or benefit, with the potential for extremely exciting gains, and also, perhaps, in a speculative arena with equal possibility of big losses.


🖼️ The Big Picture

Celebrities such as Jerry Seinfeld and Jay Leno have become known for their extravagant love of cars. Seinfeld is a Porsche aficionado, and Leno has a few hundred cars and motorcycles worth more than $52 million.

While some people might see these collections as ridiculous or excessive, others see them as an enjoyable store of value, and even an important investment over time… similar to the luxury watch edition of CAPITALIZE we did a few weeks ago.

So, can you drive something you love… and profit from it?

If you do your research and buy correctly, then yes. But at a minimum, even if the car goes down in value, you’ll still have a sweet ride that turns heads.

🔢 By The Numbers