Playbook #108: Vineyards & Wineries
10 min read

Playbook #108: Vineyards & Wineries

Wine’s cultural appeal combined with the fact that vineyards need a certain climate and landscape (which often puts them in beautiful locations) has led owners to create multiple revenue streams which make them an exciting opportunity for the right investor.
Playbook #108: Vineyards & Wineries

Moonshot: an ambitious, exploratory and ground-breaking project undertaken without any expectation of near-term profitability or benefit, with the potential for extremely exciting gains, and also, perhaps, in a speculative arena with equal possibility of big losses.


🖼️ The Big Picture

80 bedroom, 83 bathroom Italian estate with a vineyard that could produce up to 80,000 bottles of wine per year. Yours for the low price of $19,780,220. 😀

Welcome to your newest “Moonshot” edition of CAPITALIZE, where we feature an exciting new investment opportunity. These can be outrageously expensive, exclusive, lucrative, high risk or just plain fun.

If you were a shark on Shark Tank, these would be your “fliers.” They could 100x in value… or go to zero. They might be inaccessible to you today, but a dream to shoot for tomorrow.

We like to say that once you reach Economic Independence, you have the freedom to swing for the fences, because your day-to-day needs are taken care of and your future is secure. These “moonshot” editions are a tribute to that spirit.

Today's Moonshot...

Imagine waking up early on a beautiful summer day on your 200-acre estate in the hills of Italy. You roll out of bed and step out onto your bedroom balcony to stretch and see what the day holds. To your right, you have 30 units of short-term rental units, an event center for weddings and gatherings, and all of the amenities you would expect from a 5-star resort.

To your left, as far as the eye can see, you have rolling hills with rows of vineyards that have been producing some of the world’s best wine for 50 years and will continue to do so for years to come.

As people start buzzing around the property, you smile. You’re living the dream, and somehow, you’re getting paid to live in heaven on earth.

Does this vision sound nice… but far-fetched (if not impossible)?

If so, that’s why this investment is a moonshot! The very definition is something that stretches you, and in this case — and especially in this type of uncertain economy — could be closer than you think.

Vineyards (where grapes are grown), and wineries (where wine is produced) are a fascinating and essential part of the wine industry. Not every vineyard has its own winery — some simply sell their grapes by the ton.

Wine’s cultural appeal combined with the fact that vineyards need a certain climate and landscape (which often puts them in beautiful locations) has led owners to create additional revenue streams such as:

  • Tours
  • Short-Term Rentals
  • Restaurants
  • Retail & Taste Testing
  • Events (Weddings, etc.)
  • Online Store

Plus, some of the older estates here in the U.S. even qualify for historic tax credits.

If you’re an entrepreneur at heart and have a passion for wine, then all this means that with some creativity, focus, and vision, you could live on a massive estate of your dreams… sharing the beauty of your land and fruit of your labors with others, with a profitable business and a home you love.

Let’s take a look at how owning your very vineyard estate could be your next moonshot, sooner than you think (and don’t forget to revisit our previous playbook on investing in Fine Wine if you’re excited by this opportunity).

🔢 By The Numbers

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